Every donation counts and helps

SOS Kannerduerf Lëtzebuerg operates exclusively in Luxembourg enabling children and young people to grow up in a caring and safe environment.

Your support enables us to support each child as they develop an independent, fulfilled and responsible life.

You can make a one-time donation, give regulary or start your own fundraising campaign for a special occasion.

Our bank details

Account holder: Fondation Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf

Bank Bank account BIC
CCPL LU41 1111 0000 6565 0000 CCPL LU LL
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat (BCEE) LU03 0019 1000 2255 9000 BCEE LU LL
Banque Internationale à Luxembourg (BIL) LU68 0021 1007 3870 0000 BILL LU LL
Banque BGL BNP Parisbas (BGLL) LU55 0030 0169 2076 0000 BGLL LU LL
Banque Raiffeisen (CCRA) LU89 0090 0000 0200 3002 CCRA LU LL
ING LU63 0141 9374 1210 0000 CELL LU LL

Your (online) donation is tax deductible

Your donation is a “special expense” and is therefore tax deductible. We will send you a receipt by mail which you can include with your tax declaration.

With a regular donation you make it easier for us to plan our work and it saves us administrative costs.

The Lëtzebuerger Kannerduerf Foundation is a member of the “Don en Confiance” network with its code of good conduct for organisations appealing to the generosity of the public. This guarantees that the donation will be put to good use and will be treated confidentially.